Durf Jij het Aan? Verken de Kinky Kant van Sensualiteit op het Fluisterfestival.

Het moment is aangebroken om de sluier van conventie te laten vallen en een wereld binnen te treden waar sensualiteit & seksualiteit samensmelten in een opwindend avontuur. Met groot enthousiasme nodig ik je uit om deel te nemen aan mijn workshop op het Fluisterfestival.

Maak je klaar voor een prikkelende ervaring.

Mijn workshop, gedrenkt in een sfeer van 'kinky' verleiding, is bedoeld voor degenen die durven te spelen aan de randen van hun verlangens. Met niet minder dan 4 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ aan pikante inhoud, belooft deze sessie een zinderende ontdekkingstocht te zijn!

In deze veilige ruimte moedig ik je aan om je meest avontuurlijke zelf te zijn. Of je nu een beginner bent of een ervaren liefhebber van spannende spelletjes, deze workshop is een uitnodiging om je grenzen te verkennen en misschien zelfs te verleggen.

Dus, ben je klaar om je over te geven aan een ervaring die even provocerend als leerzaam is? Sluit je aan bij ons op het Fluisterfestival voor een onvergetelijke duik in de diepten van kinky plezier & vrouwelijke kracht.


Wanneer : 29/04/2024 tem 01/05/2024

Waar : De Heerlijckhyt van Elsmeren - Weg op Halen 2 B, 3450 Geetbets – Belgium

Voor meer info & tickets : https://www.fluisterfestival.be/ 





Certified Training

Kashmiri Tantra Massage

7/09/24 tem 13/09/24 - Spain

(Welcoming a cozy group of 30 people)

✨ Embark on a Journey of Connection ✨ 

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery & holistic well-being?

Join us for an exclusive Kashmiri Tantra Massage Professional Training led by the renowned Swami Anahata! 

Kashmiri Tantra Massage is seen as a holistic approach to physical & emotional well-being. It's all about nurturing the profound connection between your body & your mind. 

This soft & sensual massage ritual from North India, rooted in the tradition of Kashmiri Shaivism, will bring healing & harmony to your body, mind, heart & soul.

Through conscious, delicate & loving touch, you'll experience healing & harmony like never before. Our bodies are wired for touch, but often we neglect this deep need in our busy lives. With Kashmiri Tantra Massage, you'll learn to play with sensuality between your masculine, feminine, inner child & consciousness and deepens your loving connection to your sexuality.

This training is all about enhancing your life in profound ways. The benefits of conscious, delicate and loving affectionate touch are scientifically proven and Kashmiri Tantra Massage is the perfect way to experience it. By touching to heal and harmonize your body, mind, heart & soul, you'll leave feeling rejuvenated and more connected to yourself and others.

Whether you're single or in a relationship, our workshop is open to everyone who has previous experience in Tantra workshops or self-development. You don't have to be an experienced tantric practitioner to attend, just be open to learning and growing.

As we only have 30 spots available, act fast and secure your spot!

Are you ready to explore the ways in which Kashmiri Tantra Massage will transform your life?

Join us in this beautiful training event for a transformative experience that will leave you feeling more connected, more fulfilled and more alive than ever before.

 When : 7/09/2024 – 13/09/2024

 Where : Hidden Paradise - Montaña’s de Amor, 18418, Granada – Spain

 Early bird price till 31/03/2024

Book your spot via: 


For those who would like to know more... for those who are curious... for those who still have doubts, registration or information can be obtained via  www.oshun-bodywork.be or ☎️ +32 474 62 44 48   


The workshop is designed for both couples & solo adventurers. As we explore the art of touch & connection, we invite you to fully engage in this learning journey. If you're attending alone, it's a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow participants. However, the task of pairing up for activities is up to you. We're here to guide and provide the framework; your initiative is key in forming meaningful interactions. We strive for gender balance, but be open to the enriching experience of working with any partner, including those of the same gender. Every encounter is a step towards deeper understanding and skill in the realms of touch and connection.


Price setting

Workshop fee

Unlock the early bird specials when you book now!

Available for a limited time (till 31/03/2024) on workshop fees only.

* Single Early Bird: Just €699! (Save €100)

* Couple Early Bird: Only €1399! (Save €100)

After the early bird flies away:

* Single Regular Price: €799

* Couple Regular Price: €1499


Accommodation & Full Board for 6 Nights

To foster a fully immersive experience, overnight stay & meals at the retreat location are required as part of the program.


* Shared Bathroom: €550

* Private Bathroom: €645 (Limited rooms available)


* Shared Bathroom: €1100

* Private Bathroom: €1290 (Limited rooms available)


Single-room accommodations require a request and are confirmed one week prior to the retreat, based on availability. Additional cost for a single room is €180.


Payment Plan

Secure your transformative experience with our flexible payment options!

1/ Deposit: Book your spot online with an initial deposit.

* For Singles : €350

* For Couples : €600

2/ Second Payment: Due by the end of June 2024.

* For Singles: €300 via bank transfer.

* For Couples: €1260 via bank transfer.

3/ Final Balance: Payable in CASH upon arrival at the retreat.


🤔 Why wait until the last minute?

Worried about potential schedule conflicts? We've got you covered!

Remember, our cancellation policy allows for a full refund if you need to cancel up to 21 days before the workshop begins.

So, there's absolutely no risk involved in reserving your spot early!



Men Retreat 

11/04/24 tem 14/04/24 - Belgium

(Welcoming a cozy group of 20 men)



✨ Step into the transformative journey of self-discovery & empowerment! ✨

It's a call to every man ready to step up into his power, to embrace the present moment and embark on a path of self-realization. This retreat is your opportunity to break free from the chains of fear, doubt & societal expectations and uncover the incredible potential that resides within you.

Imagine being part of a circle of honest, authentic and empowering men who share your journey. Together, you will release the old paradigms of fear, shame and guilt surrounding masculinity and delve deep into the core of our being to discover our true empowerment.

As men, it's time to regain our consciousness and become pillars – for our partners, our communities and most importantly, for ourselves. By harnessing our strong sexual energy and connecting it with the power of our spirit, we can heal ourselves and, in turn, contribute to healing the world.

This is a unique opportunity, a moment you've been waiting for. Will you seize it?

At our Men Retreat, you will:

1. Open Up Your Sexual Power:

Explore and embrace the full potential of your sexual energy.

2. Release Repressed Emotions:

Let go of the baggage that has held you back for far too long.

3. Cultivate Presence and Groundedness:

Learn how to be fully present in every moment and find your inner balance.

 4. Lift Your Confidence:

Discover the self-assuredness that has always been within you.

5. Accept Your Sensitivity:

Embrace your vulnerability and authenticity.

6. Share, Create and Celebrate Manhood:

Join a conscious brotherhood, engage in meaningful discussions, and celebrate your unique gifts as a man.


Can you feel it?

Picture yourself as part of a conscious brotherhood, sharing your journey with like-minded men who support and uplift you. You'll gain the strength to face life's challenges, the wisdom to make decisions with clarity and the peace to remain calm in even the most difficult situations.

Your journey towards becoming the awakened man you were meant to be begins here.

It's not about someone teaching you how to be a man; it's about becoming aware of your own masculinity & femininity and using that knowledge to grow.

Our workshop is led with a gentle yet powerful touch, guiding you towards your full potential.


Join us in this beautiful retreat for a transformative experience that will leave you feeling more connected, more fulfilled and more alive than ever before!

When : 11/04/2024 tem 14/04/2024

Where : De Heerlijckhyt van Elsmeren - Weg op Halen 2 B, 3450 Geetbets – Belgium

💰 Prijs : €750 (incl accommodation & food).

Early bird price till 31/01/24 : €710

For those who would like to know more... for those who are curious... for those who still have doubts, registration or information can be obtained via www.oshun-bodywork.be  or ☎️ +32 474 62 44 48





Tantric Transmission Year Training

3 Modules - Blegny Belgium

(Limited to only 30 people)

Welcome to the Enriching Journey of Tantric Transmission Training:

A Year of Transformation

(Welcoming a cozy group of 30 people)


Embrace the True Essence of Tantra

Are you ready to delve into a spiritual path that's often misunderstood in modern times which has led seekers to not have any interest in one of the most profound spiritual paths.

This program is not just another course; our Tantric Transmission Training offers you this unique opportunity to a deep dive into the true essence of Tantra . Once understood in its pure essence Tantra can bring nourishment to the starving modern human soul.

Your Invitation to Authentic Learning

We warmly invite you to join us in this authentic exploration of Tantra. Our training comprises 3 meticulously crafted modules, each guiding you through the fundamental & advanced aspects of this ancient wisdom. This comprehensive program beautifully integrates Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra, creating a harmonious trinity for your spiritual  & personal growth.

A Journey with a Master

Your guide on this journey is Swami Anahata, a master with 22 years of immersive experience in Tantra, learning & living in various ashrams across India and teaching over 7,000 students worldwide. His wisdom & experience are the pillars of this training.


What the Training Offers:

  • 3 immersive, live residential workshops.
  • Engaging homework to deepen your practice at home.
  • Monthly online guidance sessions.
  • Personalized 1 to 1 coaching for 90 minutes upon completion.
  • A certificate of participation, marking your journey.

Discoveries and Learning Awaiting You:

  • Meditation techniques, postures, mudras & focus methods.
  • Understanding Prana, Kundalini & energy bodies.
  • Practical insights into Chakras and their daily life impact.
  • Techniques for cleansing & harmonizing Chakras.
  • Creating & understanding ritual spaces & Yantras.
  • Exploration of sexual energy and its dynamics.
  • Breathing techniques & prana movements.
  • Special insights into couples' tantric paths.
  • The significance of sacred objects and their placement.
  • Exploring the dynamics of male & female energies.
  • Deep insights into the three marriages: of body, heart and soul.

Your Daily Schedule: A Balance of Learning & Reflection

Each module begins at 17.00 on the 1st day and ends at 16.00 on the last day

Our training days are thoughtfully structured, balancing intensive learning with personal time for reflection and nourishment.

Daily routing during the training :

07.30 - 09.00

Morning Sadhana activation - yoga and tantra kriya

09.00 - 10.30


10.30 - 13.30

Workshop session with break in between

13.30 - 15.30

Lunch & rest

15.30 - 18.30

Workshop session with break in between

18.30 - 20.00


20.00- 21.30 

Last session


Who is This Training For?

This program is ideal for those seeking to experience Tantra in its authentic form. It's crafted for individuals ready to embrace each practice thoughtfully & thoroughly.


Who Might Not Find This Suitable?

This training might not be suitable for those seeking casual connections or sexual experiences, unable to commit to home practice, or not in a state of physical or mental wellness for such an intensive program.

Join us in this transformative journey and experience the profound depths of Tantra in its purest form.


When :

 Module 1 : 3/05/24 (5PM) – 5/05/24 (4PM) @ Chateau Cortils - Blegny

    Module 2 : 31/10/24 - 03/11/24 (4PM) @ Chateau Cortils - Blegny

Module 3 : 1st half of 2025 - date to be determined


Where :

Chateau Cortils - Chemin de Cortils 1, 4670 Blegny



Price setting :

You have the option to join individual modules separately, priced at €330 per module. Alternatively, you can opt for the package deal, which includes all 3 modules for a total of €910. This is exclusive the food & accommodation.

The cost for food & accommodation per module is estimated to be around €360, although this may vary depending on any changes in food prices leading up to November 2024.


For those who would like to know more... for those who are curious... for those who still have doubts, registration or information can be obtained via 📧bodywork.oshun@gmail.com or ☎️+32 474 62 44 48





Welkom bij het EQUINOX Festival, een betoverende viering gewijd aan de kunst van balans, welzijn en de overvloedige vreugde des levens!

Dit festival omarmt de essentie van jouw innerlijke harmonie, met een bijzondere focus op heling, belichaming & bewustwording. Ontdek de diepgaande connectie tussen lichaam & geest via interactieve workshops, waarin we ons verdiepen in thema's als holistische gezondheid, lichaamswerk, (hoger) bewustzijn, relaties, verbinding & intimiteit, creativiteit, dans & beweging.


Gun jezelf een onvergetelijke week vol inspiratie & diepe verbinding op het EQUINOX Festival.


Hier bundelen toonaangevende nationale en internationale sprekers & docenten hun krachten om inzichten te delen over liefde, geluk en innerlijke rust.

- Laat je betoveren door een rijk palet aan workshops, yoga, muziek en een hartverwarmende sfeer die uitnodigt tot diepe verbondenheid.

- Het festival vindt plaats op een schilderachtige locatie in Frankrijk, omgeven door een zwemvijver, sauna en culinaire hoogstandjes in de vorm van heerlijke vegetarische maaltijden.

 - Stel je eigen ideale programma samen uit het gevarieerde aanbod.

- Vertrek na afloop volledig ontspannen en opgeladen naar huis, klaar om de wereld met vernieuwde energie tegemoet te treden.


Het EQUINOX Festival is een ode aan verbinding.  Een uitgelezen kans om te ontspannen, te leren en nieuwe zielsverwanten te ontmoeten. Laat een rustige yogasessie je verbinden met je moeder, dans onder de sterren met een recente vriend of vriendin, of ontdek samen met je geliefde nieuwe dimensies van liefde &  verbindende communicatie.


De magie van jouw EQUINOX festival-ervaring wordt nog intenser wanneer je deze deelt met een ander..

Weet jij al met wie je dit bijzondere avontuur gaat delen?


Elke avond onthult het festival een ander dans- en beweegprogramma, van ecstatic dance en intuïtieve yogadans tot intuïtieve contactdansen. Dus dans en beweeg zoals nooit tevoren, te midden van een betoverende omgeving die lijkt op een sprookje uit duizend-en-een-nacht!


Wanneer : 25/08/2024 tem 30/08/2024

Waar : Sadhaka - Moulin d’Orsènne - 36190 Orsènnes - Frankrijk, Centre

Voor meer info & tickets : Equinox Festival - Sadhaka